
Vitalijus Gaurilovas

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Mark Lowman

Biologist, Formulator, Quality Expert

With an educational background in Biological Sciences, Mark Lowman began his career researching and developing phyto-nutriceuticals, specializing in alternative nutrient delivery systems for the horticultural and specialty agricultural industries. Much of this development work focused on polymeric coatings and films and their use to create controlled-release formulations.

Since 1995, Mr. Lowman has been an integral part of NeoLife's product development team, following established guidelines to create new products and conducting extensive product testing to assure that the best possible products are available to NeoLife customers. His outstanding skills in both the laboratory and the factory have produced years of successful work with NeoLife's Scientific Advisory Board, turning advanced product concepts into functional finished products manufactured and distributed throughout the world.

Mr. Lowman has contributed to the development of numerous NeoLife products, including Tre-en-en capsules, the GR2 Control weight loss products, Salmon Oil Plus, and many others. He is a member of the Institute of Food Technologists, the American Chemical Society, and the American Institute of Biological Scientists. Mr. Lowman served on the Botanicals/Quality Standards Committee for the Council for Responsible Nutrition and is a past member of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.

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